¿Social protection in health? Neither "“safe"” or "“popular"”

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Gustavo Leal Fernández


In the landscape of social security and health care reforms of the near past of Mexico IMSS,1995; ISSSTE, 2007, and SSA, 2004 this article reflects about the design fails of the Popular Health Insurance (Seguro Popular), the main health program of Vicente Fox (2000-2006)and its extension by Felipe Calderon administration (2006-2012) named Health Insurance Program for a New Generation (Seguro Médico para una Nueva Generación). The impact of both programs over the federalism taking as case the southern state of Guerrero and the real efforts to get a better quality in medical care are also part of its principal inquiries.


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How to Cite
Leal Fernández, G. (2013). ¿Social protection in health? Neither "“safe"” or "“popular"”. Estudios Políticos, (28). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0185-1616(13)71444-6

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