Francisco I. Madero and the democratic transition in Mexico, 1905-1910

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Javier Rosas Sánchez


The political crisis of the regime led by Porfirio Díaz, between the years of 1905-1910, took place mainly as the consequence of two processes: Firstly, the recruitment of governmental figures among the oligarchic groups of the country, which affected the regime’s ability to reach agreements with the popular, local, and regional leaders. Secondly, the advanced age of the elderly dictator, whose approaching demise, compounded with the absence of institutional mechanisms that could guarantee an orderly transference of the presidential power, increased the risk of a civil war.


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How to Cite
Rosas Sánchez, J. (2012). Francisco I. Madero and the democratic transition in Mexico, 1905-1910. Estudios Políticos, 9(25).

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Author Biography

Javier Rosas Sánchez