Oaxaca, 2010: alternancia local, emblema de una alianza política disímbola en un contexto de realineamiento electoral y sucesión presidencial

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Héctor Zamitiz Gamboa


This article analyzes a subject that has aroused great interest during the last year in the country: alliances or coalitions between parties with different historical tendencies. The author analyzes specifically the Oaxaca case starting from the national context, including an entity reference where the governor was elected under that political figure in 2010, like Puebla and Sinaloa cases


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How to Cite
Zamitiz Gamboa, H. (2011). Oaxaca, 2010: alternancia local, emblema de una alianza política disímbola en un contexto de realineamiento electoral y sucesión presidencial. Estudios Políticos, 9(23). https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484903e.2011.23.25548

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Héctor Zamitiz Gamboa