El papel del Estado en el crecimiento económico y la distribución del ingreso

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Alfonso G. Jiménez de Sandi Valle


The role of the State in the promotion of the economic growth and better income distribution is the main topic of this article. A heterodox model that takes into account different hypothesis, from neokeynesianism, neomarxism and neoestructuralism is analyzed. It shows the relationship between politics and economics, relation that the neoliberal tradition hides since many years ago. The main conclusion is that the State must fight for the implementation of new models of economic and social development in countries like Mexico with high social development deficit.


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How to Cite
Jiménez de Sandi Valle, A. G. (2011). El papel del Estado en el crecimiento económico y la distribución del ingreso. Estudios Políticos, 9. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484903e.2010.0.23853

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