Hacia un proceso de gestión y política pública más incluyente

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Sergio Parra Menchaca


The discrimination is a transverce phenomenon that is generated in all the spaces. Some of these practices are reproduced from different environments, for example, from the political and administrative spheres of the State, spaces where the discrimination can take root and affect many people. It should be a priority for the goverment’s action to incorporate inclusion approaches in their tasks, the State should guarantee that its actions are free of mechanisms of unequal treatment. The adoption of a no-discrimination profile in the public policy’s process should be based on the characteristics and necessities recognition of the different ones within the social groups, as well as in the effective, protagonistic and continuos participation of the social groups in the definition, execution and evaluation of government’s action.


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How to Cite
Parra Menchaca, S. (2010). Hacia un proceso de gestión y política pública más incluyente. Estudios Políticos, 9. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484903e.2007.0.18716

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