Kelsen and Legal Pluralism?

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Oscar Correas


In the present essay, the author revisits some of the fundamental categories of Theory of Law,
in particular that of Hans Kelsen. The object of this is not to reinforce the most orthodox postulates of
traditional legal theory, which derive themselves from a particular reading of Kelsen’s Theory. Contrary
to this, the goal is to retake these concepts in a critical manner, especially to use them in order to explain,
without the Eurocentric prejudices, the phenomena of legal pluralism. A phenomenon which traditional
legal theory does not allow to recognize or explain. In this way, through the critical use of these concepts,
the essay proposes to construct a possible interdisciplinary analysis, which uses both legal anthropology
and legal theory

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How to Cite
Correas, O. (2013). Kelsen and Legal Pluralism?. Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana De Política, Filosofía Y Derecho, (32).

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