The Turn of Human Rights of the Displaced Indigenous and the Application of the Mexican Legal and Constitutional Framework

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Katherine Isabel Herazo González


This paper presents a critical analysis of the human rights of the displaced, based on a sociohistorical conception from praxis. On the one hand, the utilization of a concept of human rights to legitimate the displacement of indigenous people in Chiapas will be studied; on the other hand, resortingto conceptual and epistemological precisions, a different manner of using human rights established oraccepted within the Mexican legal and constitutional frame will proposed, parting from the regulations of the International Humanitarian Law, in order to defend the rights of the displaced.

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How to Cite
Herazo González, K. I. (2013). The Turn of Human Rights of the Displaced Indigenous and the Application of the Mexican Legal and Constitutional Framework. Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana De Política, Filosofía Y Derecho, (33).

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