Culture(s) and Political Ideology(ies). A necessary relation

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Luis Fernando Ávila Linzán


This essay tries to explain some of the connections and some of the differences between culture
and ideology, with the intention of integrating them to the construction of a critical theory in order to
build the Latin America of the 21th Century. The main obstacles are the founding myths that cover over
the left and the right political wings. Identifying these myths is an important step, but yet insufficient for
the construction of the space of politics as a new democratizating relation and the origin of the decisions
from below and with a counter-hegomonical character.

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How to Cite
Ávila Linzán, L. F. (2013). Culture(s) and Political Ideology(ies). A necessary relation. Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana De Política, Filosofía Y Derecho, (32).

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