Molecular Abolitionism: a possible. . .

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Ezequiel Kostenwein


In the first part of this paper, based on rethinking the Works of Hulsman, Christie andMathiesen, some of the most relevant themes of penal abolitionism are taking into account: the problematizationof the definition of crime, the deontologization of criminal law, the punitive power of the statebased on abstraction, and the deep questioning of prison. All of this with the objective of questioningthe manner in which the state establishes, through criminal law, a transcendent and abstract way of inflictingpain and punishment. On the other hand, in the second and last part of the paper, retaking the accountsmade in the first part, a reflection about the necessity of a transformation of this conception of criminallaw is advanced, opening the way for a abolitionist perspective, in which conflicts, their circumstancesand their participants can be considered as events and in their singularity.

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How to Cite
Kostenwein, E. (2013). Molecular Abolitionism: a possible. . . Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana De Política, Filosofía Y Derecho, (31).

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