La idea de derecho y democracia desde la hermenéutica dialéctica transformacional

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Napoleón Conde Gaxiola


In this written one we revise the idea of democracy and right from the optics of the Transformational Dialectical Hermeneutics. The call for the Third Latin American Conference of Legal Critic “The Law compared to Popular Movements” us it seems of enormous pertinence, given our philosopher posture of the oriented right towards one legal ideology of bill humanist and not conservative. Our paradigm is the Transformational Dialectical Hermeneutics, in so much theory and method of the interpretation, based on the analysis of the inconsistency and of analogies in the nature, the society and the thought.

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How to Cite
Conde Gaxiola, N. (2010). La idea de derecho y democracia desde la hermenéutica dialéctica transformacional. Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana De Política, Filosofía Y Derecho, (28).

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