Soberanía “postcolonial” y el evento de la pluralidad

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Stewart Motha


This article argues that the recognition of the right of the natives in Australia on the property, is regulated in a variety of ways that refuse to the plurality, affirms that the indigenous normative systems have been subordinated and exists a fundamental negation of a plurality of sovereignties or normative systems. It is organized in three parts: in first the postcolonial "sovereignty like a problem of" limits "was determined", the second part, it delineates the critic of the limits of Jean-Luc Nancy (of being One), and the third part retakes recent cases of original titles in "postcolonial" Australia that demonstrate the negation of a plurality of laws and communities.

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How to Cite
Motha, S. (2010). Soberanía “postcolonial” y el evento de la pluralidad. Crítica Jurídica. Revista Latinoamericana De Política, Filosofía Y Derecho, (25tomo3).

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