On wet rains. Pandemic and violence in vulnerable populations in the Reconquista Area (Province of Buenos Aires)

Main Article Content

Evangelina Caravaca
José Garriaga Zucal
Inés Mancini


The COVID-19 pandemic has produced enormous transformations throughout the world; these are still difficult to describe and understand. In Argentina, the impact of the economic, social and health crisis exacerbated inequalities and modified the map of violence. In this research we set out to study whether, beyond the worsening of inequalities caused by the pandemic, the violence’s maps had been modified. To do this, we work on the criteria of legitimacy of certain types of violences and the intensities during the pandemic. In this paper we will analyze the different forms of violence that occur in a vulnerable geographical area in the district of General San Martín (Buenos Aires, Argentina), specifically the Reconquista Area. We are interested, then, in both reporting and problematizing the geography of violence in its relationship with vulnerability and especially the actions of the security forces in these social dynamics. The qualitative and quantitative data used in this article are the product of an investigation carried out between February and August 2021 that sought to reflect on mutations and continuities of violent manifestations in these spaces as a result of the health emergency produced by COVID-19. Among other research tasks, sixty in-depth interviews were conducted with neighbors, security forces and officials in the Reconquista Area of the General San Martín district (Province of Buenos Aires).

Article Details

How to Cite
Caravaca, E., Garriaga Zucal, J., & Mancini, I. (2023). On wet rains. Pandemic and violence in vulnerable populations in the Reconquista Area (Province of Buenos Aires). Acta Sociológica, (90), 51–79. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484938e.2023.90.86271

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Author Biographies

Evangelina Caravaca, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina

  • Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires.
  • Magister en Estudios Latinoamericanos por la Escuela de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín. 
  • Investigadora en el Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina.

José Garriaga Zucal, Universidad de San Martín y CONICET

  • Doctor en Antropología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Lic. en Antropología Social por la Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Magister en Antropología Social y Cultural
  • Docente en la Universidad de San Martín e investigador del CONICET.

Inés Mancini, IDAES / UNSAM

  • Doctora en Antropología Social por la Escuela IDAES UNSAM
  • Magister en Antropología Social y Política, FLACSO.
  • Investigadora adjunta en CONICET, sede IDAES /UNSAM.
  • Docente en Escuela IDAES / UNSAM.