The presentation of the secret in the daily life of the pandemic

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Paula Alejandra Ortega Barragán
Aaron Ramírez Chavarría
Edwin Héctor Pineda López


This research analyzes one of several ways to face the disease of covid-19; it’s secret. Keeping secret from suffering the disease, as well as care, including preventive mea- sures, are behaviors that are present in our daily lives within the context of the pandemic. Understanding behavioral aspects from the intersubjective as well as from the structural allows us to present the meanings surrounding secrecy and the manner in which it is inscribed in the management of the disease caused by the sars-cov-2 virus. Through semi-structured interviews, the narrative construct underlying the understanding of covid-19 was analyzed. It is concluded that the fear of the unknown, the dissonance of care, stigmatization of the patient, as well as the need to continue generating income are elements that can help to understand why some people keep the condition secret.

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How to Cite
Ortega Barragán, P. A., Ramírez Chavarría A., & Pineda López E. H. (2022). The presentation of the secret in the daily life of the pandemic. Acta Sociológica, (85-86), 117–145.

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Author Biographies

Paula Alejandra Ortega Barragán, Profesora de asignatura de la FCPyS-UNAM.

Estudiante de la maestría en Estudios Políticos y Sociales de la FCPyS-UNAM.

Aaron Ramírez Chavarría, Enlace Supervisor en la Dirección General Adjunta de Políticas y Censos Nacionales de Gobierno

Maestro en Estudios Políticos y Sociales por la UNAM.

Edwin Héctor Pineda López, Estudiante de la maestría en Estudios Políticos y Sociales de la FCPyS-UNAM.

Licenciado en Sociología por la FCPyS-UNAM.