The new geographies of the capital in Latin America: the Special Economic Zones

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Agustín Ávila Romero


The objective of this text is the analysis of the development of the Special Economic Zones in Latin America with a spatial cut in Central America, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Uruguay. To this end, a bibliographical, hemerographic and database research was carried out, which allowed us to locate the relevance of these zones in the economic development of current capitalism. As a result of the research it is pointed out that these areas are in the process of growth and expansion in our continent because they are part of the strategy of transnational capital to reduce their costs and increase their profits. Latin America and the Caribbean have thus become a privileged space of transnational capital for world capitalist restructuring. sezs seek, through geographic expansion, to find spatial solutions to the processes of capital overaccumulation based on which the economic system operates.

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How to Cite
Ávila Romero, A. (2019). The new geographies of the capital in Latin America: the Special Economic Zones. Acta Sociológica, (79), 109–134.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Agustín Ávila Romero, Profesor de la UNICH

Doctor en Desarrollo Rural por la UAM-Xochimilco.