Identities processes and cultural practices, as ways of social exclusion in the village of Santiago Zapotitlán

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Aaron Ramírez Chavarría
Edwin Héctor Pineda López


This article deals with the relationship between identity and modernity expressed in the town of Santiago Zapotitlán, which due to its geographical location has been exposed to important changes both in infrastructure (services and transport) and its patronal festive organization, which results in an intersection between reaffirmation and identity exclusion. To expose for this, we used in-depth interviews with native and non-native inhabitants of the space mentioned. This research offers an overview of the dynamics in relations between native peoples who face modernity.

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How to Cite
Ramírez Chavarría, A., & Pineda López, E. H. (2019). Identities processes and cultural practices, as ways of social exclusion in the village of Santiago Zapotitlán. Acta Sociológica, (79), 63–84.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Aaron Ramírez Chavarría, Actualmente cursando la maestría en Estudios Políticos y Sociales de la FCPyS, UNAM.

Licenciado en Sociología por la FCPyS-UNAM

Edwin Héctor Pineda López, FCPyS-UNAM

Licenciado en Sociología por la FCPyS-UNAM