For an undisciplined sociology

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Márgara Millán Moncayo


This essay sustains the need of a critical sociology, raising the interdiscplinaries crossing points that are necessary and linking it with the time that the autor studied Sociology at this Faculty. Through a contextual reflection about what was the Sociology studies in 1960’s at FCPyS. I’ll provide details about I consider is a heterodox sociology and its need in this time. It’s not about then of making a balance of the sociology from then same discipline and its development in Mexico, but contributing, since my own formative experience, in the why, for what and how a necessary Sociology.

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How to Cite
Millán Moncayo, M. (2019). For an undisciplined sociology. Acta Sociológica, (78), 57–68.

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Author Biography

Márgara Millán Moncayo, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, UNAM