Proximity to Carlos Montemayor and his narrative work

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Alejandra Navarro Trujillo


This essay adds to the search for approaches whose inclination is more and more punctual in its interest in the voice and testimonies of the subjects and, in turn, it is clear of those wills, influenced notoriously by what they point out from the academy disdainfully as "literature", which avoid the exaltation of the experiential and dilute the experience as aprivileged value in the construction of the social subject. In this sense, as it is a meeting point for reflection and analysis between the story, the identity, the experience, the context and the subject, this essay is dedicated to the understanding of the narrative work of Carlos Montemayor to be the narrative, for he, a kind of need to appropriate the world. To achieve this goal, the work is supported by Silvia Lemus’s interview with Montemayor, his essays and texts by a couple of close friends who wrote about him and his work. I inferthat these paths allow me to approach Montemayor in his individuality and make it possible to trace the context, intentions, needs, hopes that surrounded the author in the making of his novels, making visible the experience, the sense, the interpretation and the complexity of the phenomena that he perceived.

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How to Cite
Navarro Trujillo, A. (2019). Proximity to Carlos Montemayor and his narrative work. Acta Sociológica, (77), 71–94.

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Author Biography

Alejandra Navarro Trujillo, Profesora de asignatura de la FCPyS-UNAM

Doctora en Estudios Latinoamericanos, profesora de asignatura de la FCPyS-UNAM.