Unveiling the quotidiane life of young university students who conciliate study and work

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Regina Célia Borges
Maria Chalfin Coutinho


This study has shown how young students of a Brazilian public university, student workers or worker students, conciliate study and work in their quotidian lives. In Brazil, that is a usual combination of activities. The research was held from interdisciplinary views, from Socio-historical Psychology and from Hellerian perspective about quotidian life. In the contemporary work scenario, it is possible to notice mutations that affect all workers, especially young ones. In the educational scenario, universities also go through transformation in a global context. Following qualitative methodology, ten young college students were interviewed, in three appointments. The analysis of the interviews resulted in two Nuclei of Meanings. The first one is about profesional and educational trajectories: among uncertainties and expectations of a doublé life. They long for a degree, as well as they see in the conciliation study-work chances to broaden professional insertion and future ascension. The second one is about quotidian and student histories, findings denote that in their daily lives, youngsters express with behaviors that are “crystalized” and “dominated” by time or by the speech of its lack, which would be a new “instrument” of capitalism to capture persons in 21st century. It’s considered that the management of life, mainly, is not eliminating routine, but rather being conscious about it and building a conscious individual “world” in the face of daily heterogenic chores.

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How to Cite
Borges, R. C., & Chalfin Coutinho, M. (2018). Unveiling the quotidiane life of young university students who conciliate study and work. Acta Sociológica, (76), 89–111. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484938e.2018.76.64920

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Author Biographies

Regina Célia Borges, Institutode Ser Orientación Profesional y de la Carrera: Atención al Cliente.

Doctora en Psicología por la Universidad Federal de Santa  Catarina. Docente de la asignatura de Formación en Orientación Profesional en el Institutode Ser Orientación Profesional y de la Carrera: Atención al Cliente.

Maria Chalfin Coutinho, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Doctora en Ciencias Sociais por la Universidad Estadual de Campinas. Professora Permanente do Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologiada Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.