Ágnes Heller, a philosopher of existential choice: A concrete utopian freedomof an authentic personality.

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Bethania Assy


The paper will focus on Ágnes Heller’s notion of existential choice in the interface of combining historical determination and searching for universal validity. Heller accepts the postmodern contingency premises. But at the same time, she refuses two types of outcomes: either accepting the present state of things and turning necessity into a virtue, or mainly keeping lamenting the lost past and the current cultural illness. So, the main question here will be to approach Heller’s ethics of personality as emanating for a deep combination of moral vision and basic oriented values joined to an urgent need to respond to the changing demands of the everyday life. In the case of the existential choice, I consider Heller’s claims that personality is the most unique fundamental value. As a unique value, every person must make a decision of what she takes on her own responsibility.

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How to Cite
Assy, B. (2018). Ágnes Heller, a philosopher of existential choice: A concrete utopian freedomof an authentic personality. Acta Sociológica, (76), 29–43. https://doi.org/10.22201/fcpys.24484938e.2018.76.64917

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Author Biography

Bethania Assy, Universidad Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Doctora en Filosofía por la New School for Social Research, Nueva York. Es profesora asociada en la Universidad do Estado do Rio de Janeiro y Pontificia Universidad Católica do Rio de Janeiro.