State and power in Manuel Castells, 1983-2003: Weber, Foucault and the contemporary debates

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Esteban Torres Castaños


In this article I try to analyze in detail the relationship established between Manuel Castells´s concepts of power and State in a period of his theoretical work spanning 1983-2003. I deal with present and analyze the different forms that acquires such link, the main transformations it experiment, the appropriation makes by the author of the works of Max Weber and Michel Foucault. Such analytical exercise builds up gradually with main contemporary debates on the subject. The research allow to discover, among other aspects, how strokes Castells´s central normative sociological vision of the State, built largely from the rejection of the nation-state, inspire the formulation of the link studied here.

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How to Cite
Torres Castaños, E. (2017). State and power in Manuel Castells, 1983-2003: Weber, Foucault and the contemporary debates. Acta Sociológica, (74), 153–183.

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Author Biography

Esteban Torres Castaños, Investigador del CONICET en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), profesor de Sociología de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la UNC.

Doctor en Comunicación por la Universidad Nacional de la Plata, investigador del CONICET en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), profesor de Sociología de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la UNC.