Cause and Response: Vulnerability and Climate in the Anthropocene

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Jesse Ribot


Causal analysis of vulnerability aims to identify root causes of crises so that transformative solutions might be found. Yet root-cause analysis is absent from most climate response assessments. Framings for climate-change risk analysis often locate causality in hazards while attributing some  causal weight to proximate social
variables such as poverty or lack of capacity. They rareland ask why capacity is lacking, assets are inadequate or social protections are absent or fail. This contribution frames vulnerability and security as matters of access to assets and social protections. Assets and social protections each have their own context-contingent causal chains. A key recursive element in those causal chains is the ability –means and powers– of vulnerable people to influence the political economy that shapes their assets and social protections. Vulnerability is, as Sen rightly observed, linked to the
lack of freedom –the freedom to influence the political economy that shapes these entitlements. In the Anthropocene, human causes of climate hazard must also now be accounted for in etiologies of disaster. However, attention to anthropogenic climate
change should not occlude social causes of (and responsibility for) vulnerability –vulnerability is still produced in and by society.

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How to Cite
Ribot, J. (2017). Cause and Response: Vulnerability and Climate in the Anthropocene. Acta Sociológica, (73), 13–81.

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