Youth, work and unemployment on the early stages of economic crisis in Spain. Some reflections

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Ana Belén Cano Hila


Currently, the high and alarming youth unemployment rate in Spain invites to reflect on how this situation was on the previous and early stages of current economic and social crisis. In this article we analyze and reflect upon whether the predominant explanation, based on blaming young people for youth unemployment, eludes other interesting aspects to consider. Our analysis is based on research that combines statistical and documentary review, participant observation and interview (semi-structured and structured), aimed at young people (16-19 years), professionals in the field of formal training and occupation, and responsibles for local administration. The main contribution is firstly, the identification, from empirical analysis, of some reflections about elements that question the blame-discourse to the youngand;secondly,thepresentationofexogenouselements(aliento young people), which are interesting to be incorporated in the analysis of youth and employment.

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How to Cite
Cano Hila, A. B. (2015). Youth, work and unemployment on the early stages of economic crisis in Spain. Some reflections. Acta Sociológica, (64).

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Author Biography

Ana Belén Cano Hila, Universitat de Barcelona

Doctora en Sociología por la Universitat de Barcelona. Profesora asociada e investigadora en el departamento de Teoría Sociológica, Filosofía del Derecho y Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales de la misma institución.

Líneas de investigación: Procesos de integración y exclusión social juvenil en las periferias urbanas; desigualdad social y educativa; procesos de segregación residencial, social y educativa; procesos de éxito y fracaso escolar entre el alumnado de origen inmigrante.