Uses and limits on reflexivity in the work of Anthony Giddens

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Pablo Gaitán Rossi


The concept of reflexivity is key within the body of work of Anthony Giddens because it links basic topics such as agency, routines and institutions. A bibliographic analysis examines reflexivity’s different uses and limitations. According to the problem about the link between the micro and the macro in sociology, the first part identifies the role of reflexivity within the theory of structuration. Then the analysis shifts to the role of Reflexivity in the production, reproduction, and change of modern institutions. Finally, as means to increase the analytic usefulness of the concept, a proposal for three uses of the term reflexivity is discussed. The proposal also highlights the perspective of observation and the subject of reflexivity. The proposed distinctions are put into play in order to argue against the apparent contradiction between reflexivity and routines. The conclusion highlights on several of the limitations in Giddens’ work and show a few ways to advance with the study of Reflexivity.

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How to Cite
Gaitán Rossi, P. (2015). Uses and limits on reflexivity in the work of Anthony Giddens. Acta Sociológica, (67).

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Author Biography

Pablo Gaitán Rossi, Universidad Iberoamericana, México.

Maestro en Sociología por la Universidad Iberoamericana. Académico de tiempo completo en la misma institución