Civilizational crisis, social movements and prefigurations of a non-capitalist modernity

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Márgara Millán


This essay poses the question of the spaces in which the social subject in the capitalist modernity can recover its self-determination capacity; spaces of widening of the political field –and of redefinition of politics– which have been closed, expropriated or not yet experimented, but potential within modernity. The hypothesis of this work is that in the contemporary era, social movements are the places of the prefiguration of “another politic”. Their intervention through practical and discursive action, impact the terrain of social imaginaries, questioning founding certainties of the civilizing order inforce. They, in so far as movement, experience uncalculated transformation beforehand, where the voids of the existing modernity are most clearly revealed. We are inspired on the critique of modern culture and the distinction between politics and the political made by Bolívar Echeverría.

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How to Cite
Millán, M. (2013). Civilizational crisis, social movements and prefigurations of a non-capitalist modernity. Acta Sociológica, (62).

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Author Biography

Márgara Millán, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales.

Doctora en Antropología Social por el Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas de la UNAM. Profesora de tiempo completo de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la misma institución. Líneas de investigación: Estudios de género, movimientos sociales, modernidad latinoamericana.