Bodies, subjects and political territories in Chile

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Kemy Oyarzún


This paper discusses biopolitics, production and reproduction of the labor force, based on the interpretation of interviews carried out during 2010 with agribusiness workers, the majority of whom were women of the VI and VII regions in Chile. Beyond a diagnose of the deployment of domination technologies tatooing the bodies and subjectivities involved in food production, both industrial and domestic, we foreground sexual and gender protagonisms in the profound social, economic and political transformations implied by market economies. Chile is a country where the State was fundamentally reduced to “politics of death” during the Pinochet Dictatorship, and selectively so during the Post Dictatorial period.

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How to Cite
Oyarzún, K. (2013). Bodies, subjects and political territories in Chile. Acta Sociológica, (61).

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Author Biography

Kemy Oyarzún, Universidad de Chile

Doctora y mágister por la Universidad de California, Irvine. Integrante del Senado de la Universidad de Chile y académica de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Es también miembro de la Corporación de la Universidad ARCIS.

Líneas de investigación: Estudios Culturales Latinoamericanos; Estudios de Género; Biopolítica