Hiperliberalism and conflictuality in Chile: A socio-epistemological interpretation

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Susana Bruna del Campo


Sociological analysis and political analysis have an epistemological support that determines the conceptualization of society and the position or placement of who analyzes it. This is the representation available that is provided for a contemporary developing society or one more developed. It is about theory or theories of society as social constructions. Even though they are based on the accumulated knowledge, they don’t eliminate values, beliefs, desires or fears. Thus, social theory is a symbolic system that not only interprets reality but also tries to give it meaning and sense, so it is also ideology. In this concept of social theory, it is possible to hypothesize the occurrence of what I call hiperliberalism and its effect in the absence or presence of social conflictuality. Conflictuality overshadowed and thus, more absent than present in the last 20 or 30 years in Chile, where economic liberalism-turnedhiperliberalism causes conflictuality subsumption of contestation, especially in an order materially impoverishing. His re-emergence will be verified by means of the student movement that will engage the whole society.

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How to Cite
del Campo, S. B. (2013). Hiperliberalism and conflictuality in Chile: A socio-epistemological interpretation. Acta Sociológica, (61). https://doi.org/10.1016/S0186-6028(13)70990-3
Author Biography

Susana Bruna del Campo, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México

Doctora en Sociología por la Universidad Sorbona y maestra en Ciencias Sociales por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO). Ha trabajado en la Universidad de Chile, en la UNAM, en la UAM y en FLACSO-México. Actualmente se desempeña como profesora investigadora de tiempo completo en la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México donde ha dirigido el Área de Investigación y el Área de Relaciones Internacionales.

Líneas de investigación: Hiperliberalismo económico y sus consecuencias políticas y sociales.