Sociology in Mexico: Conceptual debates and “middle range theories” Gina Zabludovksy Kuper

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Gina Zabludovsky Kuper


The examination and redefinition of concepts represents a relevant practice in the work of social sciences. In order to study the turbulent contemporary reality, we cannot hold to the rigidity of the old interpretative frameworks that are in risk of becoming what Ulrik Beck considers as zombie categories. In the context of the argumentative language that is proper to the social sciences, the reflection about concepts allows us to recognize the similarities and differences in theoretical perspectives and provide foundations for a fruitful academic exchange that goes beyond the empirical results of the specific studies. From this perspective, the article discusses the theoretical contribution of sociology in Mexico with emphasis on the meaning of the concepts that are regularly used in different research projects. The work should be consider as a preliminary approach to the subject based on a selection of recent publication on social sciences at UNAM.

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How to Cite
Zabludovsky Kuper, G. (2012). Sociology in Mexico: Conceptual debates and “middle range theories” Gina Zabludovksy Kuper. Acta Sociológica, (59), 103–133.

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Author Biography

Gina Zabludovsky Kuper

Licenciada, Maetra y Doctora por la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Investigadora Nacional Nivel III, profesora-investigadora titular de tiempo completo nivel “C” en la FCPyS y nivel “D” en el Programa de Programa de Primas al Desempeño del Personal Académico de Tiempo Completo. Actualmente adscrita al Centro de Estudios Teóricos y Multidisciplinarios en Ciencias Sociales de la FCPyS-UNAM 
Líneas de investigación: Teoría Sociológica y Politica.  Historia de las ciencias sociales en México.  Mujeres en cargos de dirección.
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