The current controversy over the scientific nature of the social sciences

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Gilberto Giménez Montiel


The purpose of this text is to present a collective review –in comparative terms– of a certain number of authors who have recently dealt with the epistemological nature of the social sciences. They are authors that belong, on the one hand, to the Anglo school of thought –most of them philosophers who cultivate the so-called philosophy of science– and, on the other hand, authors of the French tradition –sociologists who have developed the epistemology of the social sciences following the tradition of Canguilhem and Bachelard–. The external, normative and naturalistic epistemology of the new English speaking philosophers of the social sciences is compared with that of the internal, descriptive and analytical epistemology of the French school, highlighting their similarities and differences.

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How to Cite
Giménez Montiel, G. (2012). The current controversy over the scientific nature of the social sciences. Acta Sociológica, (59), 11–32.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Gilberto Giménez Montiel

Doctor en Sociología por la Universidad de la Sorbona, París III, Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales por el Instituto de Scienze Sociali en la Universidad Gregoriana de Roma y Licenciado en Filosofía por la Universidad de Comillas, España. Investigador Titular C de tiempo completo en el Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la UNAM y profesor en la División de Estudios de Posgrado de las Facultades de Filosofía y Letras y de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM. Es miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI), Nivel III; de la Asociación Mexicana de Semiótica; y de la International Communication Association (ICA).