Roger Caillois and Gaston Bachelard: Approaches to the Imaginary

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Alfonso Reyes Ventura


This essay analyses the relation between two pioneer thinkers in the studieson the imaginary: Roger Caillois and Gaston Bachelard. From differentperspectives, both authors shared their interests and concern for the expressionsof the imaginary in the art, the myth and the sacred. In agreementwith certain surrealist ideas and the scientific becoming, they criticized thepositivist logic and they proposed the study of the imaginary. For instance,Roger Caillois, in the framework of the Sociology College, formulated a programfocused on the analysis of the myth, the sacred and the power; whileGaston Bachelard, studied some expressions of what meant for him, thetwo poles of the human psyche: science and poetry. From a more open andcomprehensive science, they proposed an approach to the imaginary. Theidea of Bachelard and Caillois about the biological basis of the imaginary isalso explained. The work of both thinkers emphasizes the importance of theimaginary in the human and social life; topic that has been currently developedby Gilbert Durand and later by Jean-Jacques Wunenburger

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How to Cite
Reyes Ventura, A. (2012). Roger Caillois and Gaston Bachelard: Approaches to the Imaginary. Acta Sociológica, 1(57), 65–79.

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Author Biography

Alfonso Reyes Ventura, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Centro de Estudios Sociológicos

Cursa estudios de posgrado en la Maestría en Estudios Políticos y Sociales de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Es Licenciado en Sociología por la misma Facultad. Se tituló con la tesis: “El pensamiento sociológico de Roger Caillois en el marco del Colegio de Sociología, 1937-1939”. Ha colaborado en los talleres de investigación sociológica Cultura, Símbolo y Religión, impartidos por la Dra. Blanca Solares y se  desempeñado como asesor educativo en distintos centros de enseñanza, donde imparte materias de Historia, Ciencias Sociales y Filosofía.