Subject Thawing Subjectivity, narrative and social contextualized interactions

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Carlos Ímaz Gispert


This article goes through reflections produced during my experience looking for a social analysis approach that incorporates (individual and collective) subjects’ subjectivity towards their social actions and interactions comprehension. Due to its biographical direction, this trajectory pretends to be in itself, a signal against the diverse sign and transit determinisms towards new possible routes. It includes my growing distance awareness from a scientist imperative and distortion that eliminates the reflection and action of human beings’ capacity, in order to understand social life and its transformations whether it is conceiving social facts as exterior and coactive to the individual or as simple results from some kind of determination (economic or cultural), that erases social subjects (collective or individual) from the equation.

Sociology’s raw material, living human beings and their interactions, was thawing. Taking the opposite route and strongly influenced by, what the academy contemptuously refers as “literature”, I understood that the challenge was to get closer to human experiences, characters, the conquered individual, yes, but intelligently, with will, emotions and action ability. In this way, I found out that it is feasible to reach a better human acting comprehension and its condition, incorporating experiences, beliefs, values, perspectives, options and decisions that social actors believe and recreate in diverse specific contexts.

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How to Cite
Ímaz Gispert, C. (2011). Subject Thawing Subjectivity, narrative and social contextualized interactions. Acta Sociológica, 1(56), 37–57.

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