No entrance free. Female figures the public in situations of exclusion

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Luis Ernesto López Aspeitia


As a byproduct of the processes of industrialization at the Mexico and USA border, the participation of women in the public sphere has entailed a transformation of the relationships between men and women. Such a transformation has implied that the forms of the public sphere, as well as of the femininity and masculinity, have been tested. Violence as a response to the presence of women in street and pubs calls for rethinking the conditions for access to the public sphere in situations where prerequisites for the enjoyment of a satisfactory participation in the city are not present.

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How to Cite
López Aspeitia, L. E. (2011). No entrance free. Female figures the public in situations of exclusion. Acta Sociológica, (55), 107–136.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Luis Ernesto López Aspeitia, Escuela Nacional Superior de Arquitectura de Paris La Villette

Doctor en Sociología por la Escuela de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Sociales (EHESS). Investigador en el CADIS-EHESS. Profesor titular en la Escuela Nacional Superior de Arquitectura de Paris La Villette.


Líneas de investigación: Espacio, subjetividad y ciudad, Género, Globalización e identidad, Prácticas urbanas y  espacios públicos emergentes.