Ego, memory and history in Leopoldo Castedo’s testimonial work

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María Marcela Aranda


Memory and oblivion collaborate in the life image composition of an author who, starting from his autobiographical profile enters into society through the interaction of historical account exactitude and the effort to overturn his own life experience in a model whose characteristics he tries to individualize. The testimonial work of the Spanish historian nationalized Chilean Leopoldo Castedo (Madrid, 1915-1999) offers the key that allows understanding the troubled plot within the individual and collective self and the dynamic that permits ego auto construction. In this way, written word value reconstructs historical and political life organization marked by ideas and concepts activities. This work pretends exploring objective situations that place the author in the best sociohistorical context comprehension from his vital path. Recognizing that the actual world demands past and memory in order to  survive and discover historical prints on current processes, the author-individual recreates a continuity sense that grants coherence and meaning to his own existence, without disregarding initiated negotiations with others.

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How to Cite
Aranda, M. M. (2010). Ego, memory and history in Leopoldo Castedo’s testimonial work. Acta Sociológica, (53), 147–171.

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