Tradition Value in Thomas Kuhn: Continuity and change initiation

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Edgar Tafoya Ledesma


This work tries to communicate scientific tradition idea in Thomas Kuhn considering three main characteristics, without them, the author’s image regarding scientific work would not be understood: a) tension facing innovation development, b) scientific or research practice idea, and c) immensurable notion as a result of the relationship between convergent and diverging logic, between community and consensus. It deals with arguing that once tradition is proposed as an element that permits scientific change, the author refers such unities as constituent of tradition, and its correspondent function towards scientific progress. It will be observed that, unlike the idea of rupture as a device permitting scientific advance, due to its correspondence to the revolution principle, Kuhn is thinking that what supports every change stage, transformation or paradigmatic breaking point, is a research tradition strong referent.

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How to Cite
Tafoya Ledesma, E. (2010). Tradition Value in Thomas Kuhn: Continuity and change initiation. Acta Sociológica, (52), 77–98.

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