Concerning socio cultural environmental right basis

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Antonio Azuela


This article suggests that social field and habitus (as proposed by Pierre Bourdieu) constitute a promising theoretical frame in order to understand social actors participation, which are vital regarding environmental matters and, especially, in order to explore the social meaning of environmental right and its application. It is also suggested that the environmental field is a social space where different habitus related to environment enter in conflict. Most of all, visionary and pragmatic dispositions, respectively, bring to environmental debate different attitudes and different world points of view. Nevertheless, when it deals with environmental law”s application, in a restraining way, the field itself reorganizes around two other dispositions: the punitive and the restrictive.

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How to Cite
Azuela, A. (2010). Concerning socio cultural environmental right basis. Acta Sociológica, (52), 11–45.

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