Emergency situations, emotions and eating behavior

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Maricruz Morales Salinas
María Fernanda Onofre Enríquez


Public Health conditions one year after the COVID 19 pandemic have put into action prevention measures that affect the population: immobility due to home confinement, suspension of work, face-to-face school, and almost total reduction of social contact. These limitations can have consequences in emotional exhaustion, stress and in actions such as coping measures that the person puts into action to, as its name indicates, face the adversities that situations demand. This article is an theoretical review of psychological variables related to comprehensive health in emergency situations: emotions, stress and eating behavior, which allows designing preventive care.


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How to Cite
Morales Salinas, M., & Onofre Enríquez, M. F. (2022). Emergency situations, emotions and eating behavior. Psic-Obesidad, 11(42). https://doi.org/10.22201/fesz.20075502e.2021.11.42.83258

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