Eating disorders and their relationship to overall health
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Due to the current conditions of life and society, in which it is more and more frequent to give more relevance to food and eating styles, and in which the conditions associated with overweight and obesity, are seen as a business opportunity, in addition to considering the miraculous gifts, the industry of “training” places, the fashion industry, which establish the ideals as quick solutions to this condition, are associated with this growing influence of eating disorders, framed in a society in which thinness is success, the fashion industry, which establish ideals as quick solutions to this condition, are associated with this growing influence eating disorders, framed in a society in which thinness is success, such pressure can lead to the implementation of extreme behaviors, which can become an eating disorder. This article therefore addresses some of the different factors that are associated with the treatment of obesity and reference to the conditions and factors to consider for intervention.
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Citas en Dimensions Service
American Psychiatric Association (2022). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition revised, DSM-5-TR. American Psychiatric Publishing.
Guillén-Riebeling, R.S. (2007). Manual de Evaluación Multimodal ERIC-PSIC. UNAM, FES Zaragoza.