Approaches to the functions of adipose tissue and obesity

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Raquel del Socorro Guillén Riebeling


The present work deals with adipose tissue in energy conservation and expenditure. It deals with fat and energy storage processes, thermodynamics and relationships of adipose tissue in all currently known types, such as the adipose rainbow. More than good fat or bad fat, the functionality of adipose tissue allows us to recognize that it is a reservoir of energy, it has a very important role in the integral functioning of each organism, as well as the adverse consequences to health and its risk factors. When people consume more energy than they spend, an imbalance is produced which is manifested in the increase of the volume of the adipose cells, this energy is stored in the deposits, although not everything that is consumed is stored or reserved, there are several types of expenses and types of reserve, according to the levels of attention the energy exchanges are considered as described below.


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How to Cite
Guillén Riebeling, R. del S. (2024). Approaches to the functions of adipose tissue and obesity. Psic-Obesidad, 14(54), 15–21.

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