Links between depression and obesity

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Alejandra Ivonne Vázquez Vela
Dolores Patricia Delgado Jacobo


Obesity and depression are two important public health problems in Mexico that affect a substantial part of the population. The relationship between obesity and depression is complex and bidirectional. Studies have indicated that obesity may increase the risk of developing depression, potentially due to biological, psychological and social factors. In addition, the stigma and discrimination associated with obesity may contribute to the development or exacerbation of depressive symptoms. The tendency of overweight and obesity is currently known as a multifactorial process, however, it is well known that emotional regulation influences decision making; being related to depression, which represents the change in eating pattern, being the intake of these foods with a negative affect motivation, having then this relationship between the negative emotion that represents depression and emotional eating. In order to know the association between obesity and depression, in this work a theoretical review of scientific articles explaining the relationship between these variables was carried out.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Vela, A. I., & Delgado Jacobo, D. P. (2024). Links between depression and obesity. Psic-Obesidad, 13(52), 25–27.

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