The problem of obesity and overweight and its complexity

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Oswaldo Hernan Morales Niño


The problem of obesity and overweight is perceived as a situation whose complexity is broad, since it is a multi-causal issue and its solution should not be based on unilateral or partial criteria, such as only considering the diet or physical activity of individuals. Among the multiple causes are involved issues no less complex as gender, social status, coupled with particular issues of the individual, as well as their environment. This paper proposes a documentary review of various sources of information, addressing the thematic lines involved in the presence and maintenance of obesity and overweight, the economic model, public policies and economic, social and gender inequality, understanding, of course, that these are not issues to be analyzed individually, but in the interdependent relationship that exists between them.


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How to Cite
Morales Niño, O. H. (2024). The problem of obesity and overweight and its complexity. Psic-Obesidad, 13(51), 6–11.

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