Basic concepts of obesity and overweight

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Fabiola Janeth Cruz Campos
Dolores Patricia Delgado Jacobo


Obesity is currently considered one of the most important problems to be treated, it is a worldwide health challenge, due to the fact that the adoption of unhealthy eating habits is becoming more and more frequent, which is one of the factors that is closely related to overweight and obesity, in addition to the problems associated with the associated comorbidities. According to WHO (2021), obesity is a complex multifactorial non-communicable disease, a risk factor for other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and a modifiable risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, which is associated with mental health problems and functional limitations of different kinds. Obesity is associated with a wide spectrum of pathophysiological alterations such as volume overload, hypertension, metabolic dysregulation, neurohumoral activation and systemic inflammation. The main causal factors are genetics, biology, access to health care, mental health, nutrition, socio-cultural factors, economics, environment and commercial interests. In this paper, the main concepts associated with obesity are discussed, which allow a better understanding of the subject, including some of the clearest definitions, epidemiology, pathophysiology, mechanism for diagnosis and proposals for treatment.


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Cruz Campos, F. J. ., & Delgado Jacobo, D. P. (2024). Basic concepts of obesity and overweight. Psic-Obesidad, 13(50), 31–37.

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