Impulsivity and obesity: a multidimensional relationship

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Raquel del Socorro Guillén Riebeling


The causes of obesity are multifactorial, ranging from genetics, biology, social sciences, psychology and even disciplines that contribute to its explanation from their conceptual field, such as astronomy. For some psychological approaches to obesity point out that it is the result of overeating of the person. This excessive eating in turn is explained by the lack of impulse control, compulsive responses, unrestraint or voracity. Hence the purpose of psychotherapy is: to provide skills to manage various signs of overeating and correct errors in diet and physical activity regimen (Torres et al., 2011). Responding to a provocative situation has its style: immediately, almost reflexively, it can be categorized as impulsive, due to its cognitive components, first “doing it without thinking”, secondly assessing the action and realizing it. Generating emotional components: the realization triggers remorse, shame or guilt. And the absence of emotional reaction or flat emotion. This behavioral particularity has been addressed by psychology and labeled as: activation, non-reflective, impulsive, uncontrolled or maladaptive behavior. 

The purpose of the present work was to identify the relationship of obesity with impulsivity, the latter considered as impulses generated by the individual through psychological processes such as behavior, cognitions, emotions, personality, neurological and psychopathologies linked to eating and other socio-psychological variables, reported in scientific publications. The conclusions show the multi-dimensionality of their relationship and the considerations for health care.


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Guillén Riebeling, R. del S. (2024). Impulsivity and obesity: a multidimensional relationship. Psic-Obesidad, 13(50), 11–18.

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