Obesity review in children

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Angélica Jiménez Almanza


Nowadays, childhood obesity is a health condition considered as serious, which affects children and adolescents, the seriousness is due to the fact that overweight and obesity causes in infants the presence of health conditions that were previously considered problems only in adults, such as diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension) and high cholesterol. Childhood obesity can also generate psychological problems, including self-esteem, emotional management and even anxiety. Among the main causes of overweight and obesity in children is the consumption of processed foods with high levels of sugar, trans fats and salt, not to mention access to and consumption of sugary drinks due to their wide distribution, low cost and promotion in mass media, and the decrease in physical activity among children. One of the strategies that has been proposed for the reduction of childhood obesity rates revolves around improving the diet and physical activity habits of the whole family. In order to observe the main characteristics for the prevention and treatment of childhood obesity, this paper reviews articles on the subject and the factors associated.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Almanza, A. (2024). Obesity review in children. Psic-Obesidad, 13(49), 19–21. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesz.20075502e.2023.13.49.87650

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