How how? Prevention of childhood obesity

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Ana Karen Fonseca Torres


The pandemic status of COVID 19 infectious disease has impacted food consumption habits and the daily routine of families. Eating habits have not been the exception, online food shopping, home food preparation and reduced physical activity, maintains obesity rates in the population, particularly in minors whose activity is reduced to the home space and the use of digital devices. Strategies for the prevention of childhood obesity focus mainly on nutrition and exercise, in addition to avoiding the consumption of processed products and, as far as possible, preventing them from being a reserve in the pantry, as well as involving family members in the preparation of food and preparing them creatively, are examples of what has been proposed for this fight. This paper shows three strategies used in prevention programs with psychoeducational strategies that contain relevant information and proposals for change for the benefit of the individual.


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How to Cite
Fonseca Torres, A. K. (2023). How how? Prevention of childhood obesity. Psic-Obesidad, 12(48), 21–23.

Citas en Dimensions Service


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