Background of emotional factors associated with obesity

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Georgina Paulina Lezama Leyva


Emotions in the psychological area are widely studied phenomena, however, social emotions such as guilt and shame have been little taken into consideration, being delegated the importance they have in everyday life, it is a little developed territory in the psychological field. In Mexican society there are few studies that delve into the emotions of guilt and shame, giving them an almost null place in research as if they did not exist or were alien to the individual and society, but despite the little relevance placed on these emotions, feeling guilty or ashamed is clearly influenced by the unfounded moral conception in the family nucleus. It is necessary to extend and deepen the knowledge of these emotions in Mexican society to know if they experience the emotions of guilt and/or shame and to propose an intervention model with the purpose of providing the tools that may be necessary in the clinical and social areas.


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How to Cite
Lezama Leyva, G. P. (2023). Background of emotional factors associated with obesity. Psic-Obesidad, 12(48), 9–14.

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