Clinical history proposal for obese people

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Lina Adriana Terrón Maya


Obesity is a worldwide public health problem, making it an issue for governments and health and administrative systems to address. This is because of its impact on public health and the potential consequences on the health and quality of life of individuals and their families, as well as on health systems and the global economy. It is a multifactorial condition that requires a method of prevention and treatment that, when put into practice, will demonstrate its effectiveness and provide a benefit to the general population. It is therefore necessary that the health professional has knowledge of this condition and its possible complications, in addition to considering the different options for treatment, such as the management of behaviors for a healthy lifestyle, which in turn allow to establish an adequate quality of life, life expectancy and occupational health of individuals. The objective of this article is to establish a proposal for the integration of the Clinical History that is relevant for the intervention in overweight and obesity, considering that it is essential to have relevant data for this, a proposal is presented with the different sections that this Clinical History should contain and the data that can be included in each one.


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How to Cite
Terrón Maya, L. A. (2023). Clinical history proposal for obese people. Psic-Obesidad, 12(48), 5–8.

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