Healthy living approaches

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Brenda Téllez Silva


The various approaches to healthy living make reference to concepts such as: model, style, habit or mold, concepts that contain psychological processes in behavior, cognition, emotions and interpersonal relationships that the person integrates throughout his or her history. This integration linked to health conditions and body mass index shows how close or how far the person is in leading a healthy life. In the clinical setting it is very important to establish the diagnosis of the person's life condition in order to carry out the therapeutic intervention and intervene in his or her body weight condition - overweight or obese. The traditional indication of healthy eating and exercise is insufficient to achieve the expected changes in the patient's health condition. The present work reviews the concepts immersed in "healthy life", the psychological processes and their relationship with the types of obesity proposed by Acosta in 2015, Carey in 2019 and Daniels and collaborators in 2020, which allow a clearer diagnosis and understanding of the person who presents the body condition of overweight or obesity in case of intervention.


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Téllez Silva, B. . (2023). Healthy living approaches. Psic-Obesidad, 12(47), 25–31.

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