Adaptive activation, risk factors and eating behavior in pandemic

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Raquel del Socorro Raquel del Socorro


The time of confinement and forced social isolation has been gradually changed by the opening to face-to-face social, educational and recreational activities. Carrying out activities “away from home” implies the effort to change habits and to adapt again to social encounters, to face-to-face work and to classes with teachers and students with measures to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection. Leaving home represents the activation of adaptive processes composed of learned socialization and few social encounters, leading to emotional expressions, cognitions, behaviors, and social aspects shaped by the pandemic. This article reviews the psychological and social factors related to adaptive activation and eating behavior in the post-pandemic period that lead the population to resume face-to-face activities considering the changes brought about by the pandemic. Among the factors to be considered will be the coping style, the psychological and social impact, as well as the proposals for primary health intervention that lead to consider the planning and implementation of workshops on healthy eating behavior, allowing people more knowledge for proper decision making to maintain overall health.


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How to Cite
Raquel del Socorro, R. del S. (2023). Adaptive activation, risk factors and eating behavior in pandemic. Psic-Obesidad, 12(47), 15–20.

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