Health and physical activity

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Dolores Patricia Delgado Jacobo


Among the actions for health promotion and disease prevention, adequate physical exercise has a relevant role since it has been associated with the health of people since ancient times, the relevance of physical exercise as a factor to improve health covers all ages. Physical activity recommendations for people to take care of their health are varied, but we present some that have been approved by different international expert entities such as the WHO. These recommendations are emphasized because the beneficial effects not only in the aging process have been widely studied in recent years. Therefore, sport science specialists and health authorities recommend that everyone should include regular physical activity in their daily lives, whether at home, at work or in the community, in order to recover or maintain health. This article discusses some definitions of physical activity, with the purpose of presenting its classification, in addition to presenting proposals for prescription at different ages and with particular health conditions, as well as highlighting the benefits of regular physical activity.


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Delgado Jacobo, D. P. (2023). Health and physical activity. Psic-Obesidad, 12(47), 6–14.

Citas en Dimensions Service


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