Take it, take it: home delivery service and COVID-19

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Maricruz Morales Salinas


Two of the main actions for the prevention of COVID 19 infection is the isolation of the population in public places and the proposal to stay at home. This behavior leads to various social, family, food, lifestyle and economic restrictions: social gatherings in restaurants, gyms, workplaces, schools, among others. On the food has had a very important effect on the customs of each family and the members in charge of its supply and its preparation The lifestyle in full adaptation of coexistence at home, work, school, entertainment in the same space. And economically about the search for new options to obtain money through online sales, by applications and supported by advertising in the media with music, colors and celebrities. On this last point, this work was elaborated by observing the change in the commercial turn of restaurants and even small restaurants that offer take-away food. Indicators were obtained that show the promotion of prepared foods through applications that favor sales through marketing strategies without taking care of the consumer's health.


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How to Cite
Morales Salinas, M. (2022). Take it, take it: home delivery service and COVID-19. Psic-Obesidad, 11(44), 18–21. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesz.20075502e.2021.11.44.84417

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