Self-esteem and its measurement

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Raquel del Socorro Guillén Riebeling
Lucy María Reidl Martínez


Under the panorama of Clinical and Health Psychology, psychological factors related to the body condition of body weight are addressed, which is called Body Mass Index or BMI, the result of anthropological measurement and whose classification ranges from underweight to obesity. Among the factors or modalities related to the BMI of overweight and obesity are: personality, emotion, cognition, behavior and interpersonal relationships. In this article, we address the emotional modality that is linked to other modalities, Self-esteem in its conceptualization and measurement. The Self-Esteem instrument (Reidl-Martínez, 2002) is analyzed in its previous versions until its final version as the Reidl-Martínez Self-Esteem Scale (2002).


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How to Cite
Guillén Riebeling, R. del S., & Reidl Martínez, L. M. (2022). Self-esteem and its measurement. Psic-Obesidad, 11(43), 23–29.

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